SAGindie’s December Movie Picks

SAGindie’s December Movie Picks

You made it, people. We all made it. It’s the final month of 2015, and along with the holiday feasts, retail deals, and all that nog December brings, it also brings one hell of a movie release slate. So as we prep for 2016 to arrive, take a look at the December movies...
SAGindie’s November Movie Picks

SAGindie’s November Movie Picks

Dramatic period pieces? Check. Timely biopics? Check. Jumping-the-gun Christmas movies? Check. James Bond? Him too. Must be November movie time! As we barrel through the fall movie season, the SAGindie staffers have studiously examined the month’s releases and...
SAGindie’s October Movie Picks

SAGindie’s October Movie Picks

Welcome to October, home to scary stories and Pumpkin Spice Everything. And home, of course, to a new slate of movie releases, with a handful of horrors, some low-budget indies, and our first batch of prestigious Oscar hopefuls in the mix. So the SAGindie staff took a...

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