Behind the Red Door

Behind this door, in a super-secret undisclosed location, is the newly relocated nerve center of the SAGIndie Empire. That’s right. We’ve moved. Would that I could reveal our exact whereabouts – but if I told you, Eliza would have to kill you...


Since I have been threatened with dismissal unless I produce some blog content, I decided that I should probably post something in this space before I find myself scraping by on a pittance from the dole. Thankfully, I actually thought of a reasonably useful concept...

Bring Me the Head of Aaron Sorkin!

Damn you, Aaron Sorkin! Damn you to hell UPN! I had such a great rant for today, and you ruined it. For a long time now I had been gradually getting more and more irritated with industry behind the scenes/general celebutard shows and how they never, ever work. It may...

IFP Opening Night Party

Met up with Paul and Ron Bennett from SAG NY at the Opening Night screening of "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints".  A great crowd turned out including almost the entire cast.  Afterward we ran over to the party at Eugenia.  Met up with some...

IFP Market: Swag Wars

I opened the Market registration bag yesterday and was shocked to discover that HBO Documentaries had included a light-up pen that is almost identical to the World Famous SAGIndie Light-up Screening Pen that we have been giving away for almost ten years! Now, I think...

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