Meet Shefali

Hi everyone! My name is Shefali and I am the new SAGindie Office Coordinator. I have been told I will be called the “New Amanda” for a while but nevertheless I am really excited to join the SAGindie Team! I’m originally from Northern California, studied writing and...

And Now a Word from the Newbies

A word of welcome from SAGindie’s two newest employees, Amanda LaFranco and Colin McCormack… FROM AMANDA: The shoes I’ve gotta fill… Ellen left a pretty big legacy here at SAGindie, and I’m only just realizing how much of a challenge...

Whoa. What’s with the new guy?

As Barack Obama begins a historic transition of power as the new commander in chief, I too have begun a transition of power as the new Information Coordinator here at SAGIndie (not near as historic, but I’m sure you can appreciate the attempt at parallelism). My name...

And Now, The End Is Here…

No, I am NOT Going into Rehab But maybe I should. As many of you already know, Friday was my last day as Director of SAGIndie. I have been offered a position at a small production company owed by a couple of friends I have known for more than twenty and thirty years...

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