October is now upon us, which means that in addition to a week of general filmmaking how-to’s, behind-the-scenes news, and interviews from the world of film, we also saw an added dash of scares. Yes, even SAGindie started the week with a Night of the Living Dead edition of Good Reads (in celebration of the indie horror’s 50th Anniversary). So for more good reads (both of the horror variety and not), browse this week’s list below.
This Week’s Good Reads (Week of October 1, 2018)
Dennis Hopper’s Mad Vision (via Josh Karp for Esquire)
A behind-the-scenes look at the actor/director’s plan to disrupt Hollywood with The Last Movie.
The surprise theatrical success of Nicolas Cage’s new movie, Mandy, has forced its distributor to completely overhaul its release strategy (via Jason Guerrasio for Business Insider)
A conundrum most filmmakers would wish for.
Why This Movie Cast People Who Are Facially Different (via Matthew Hays for Vice)
The non-familiar faces populating Alexandre Franchi’s Happy Face.
137 Minutes With Tamara Jenkins: The once-a-decade filmmaker on how to turn life’s gloppiness into cinema. (via S.I. Rosenbaum for Vulture)
The writer/director’s long journey from Slums of Beverly Hills to The Savages to Private Life.
Black Christmas Was the First Halloween (via Jason Concepcion for The Ringer)
Paying homage to the original holiday-themed low-budget slasher film.
Oxford English Dictionary Adds Over 100 Film Words, Including ‘Lynchian,’ ‘Tarantinoesque,’ and ‘Kubrickian’ (via Zack Sharf for IndieWire)
Including: “Mumblecore” — a style of low-budget film typically characterized by naturalistic and (apparently) improvised performances and a reliance on dialogue rather than plot or action.
Indie Casting Director Julia Kim Says ‘Asians Actors Are On The List Now’ (via Serena Kim for Kore)
One casting pro’s efforts to diversify your movie screens.
Heart Doctor (via Angela Flournoy for The New York Times Magazine)
Inside the process and production of Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight follow-up, the James Baldwin adaptation If Beale Street Could Talk.
Sean Baker On Not Giving Up (via Charlie Sextro for The Creative Independent)
Practical career (and life) advice from the Florida Project director.
New Releases
Movies from our October Movie Picks out this week:
- The Happy Prince (Sony Pictures Classics)
- Private Life (Netflix)
- A Star Is Born (Warner Bros.)
A video worth watching
How the not-quiet parts of A Quiet Place were made (via Insider)

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?
If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email blogadmin@sagindie.org for consideration.