We’re sure your Valentine’s Day weekend will be extremely busy, with the dinner dates, long walks on the beach, intimate movie nights, or crying lonely tears into your Pad Thai takeout, but we hope you’ll take some time to catch up on some of the best film-related reads from the week.

Good Reads for the week of February 9, 2015

Why We Need Diversity Incentives for Film and Television (via Richard Guay for Indiewire)
Increased diversity on-screen and off isn’t happening on its own, so how ’bout a little nudge?

10 Favorite Tech Innovations of 2014 (And Perhaps 2015) (via David Leitner for Filmmaker Magazine)
This one goes out to all the techies out there. (Also, CAMERA DRONES!)

It’s NC-17 Week! Happy Anniversary to the Randiest Rating (via Adam K. Raymond for Yahoo! Movies)
A brief and censored history of the rating that brought us brief and uncensored nudity.

The Unsung Heroes of 2015 Oscars (via Tim Greiving for Variety)
Step aside, Reese Witherspoon, you’ve had your time in the spotlight! Time to share some glory with the Location Manager.

Suddenly CinemaScope (via Patrick Wang for Hammer to Nail)
Movie aspect ratios are getting wider and wider (just like Americans. Zing!).

Filmmaker Survey: Is Theatrical Distribution Still Essential? (via Paula Bernstein for Indiewire)
It’s still the gold standard, but for how much longer?


In case you were ignoring us (aka blatant self-promotion):

Film Independent Directors Close-Up 2015 – Week 2 – Damien Chazelle: The Rhythm of Whiplash
The Whiplash wunderkind discuss the film’s origins, his editing technique, and writing embarrassingly personal scripts.
SNL’s Best Indie Film Parodies
As the sketch show celebrates its 40th Anniversary, look back at some of their best indie film sketches.

A video worth watching

Not SNL, but still a good parody of a recent indie:

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?

If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email blogadmin@sagindie.org for consideration.

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