The Los Angeles Film Festival is up and running this week (we’ve got two sponsored events still to come!), and Sundance London is under way. But what was going on in the world of film industry news, blogs, and essays? Glad you asked, because we have a lovely list for you right here.

Good Reads for the week of June 8, 2015

Notes on Happiness from a Film Professional (via Daniel Tobin for The Outtake)
Examining whether people working in the movie biz are content with their lives (we’re all super normal, leave us alone!)

Things I’ve Learned: Peter Bogdanovich (via MovieMaker Magazine)
The Last Picture Show director talks about his filmmaking lessons, like not rehearsing emotional scenes.

What is Stage 32, Anyway? (via Anne Thompson for Thompson on Hollywood)
Getting the scoop about the film world’s newest social network.

Blurry Brains and Spirited Discussions – The Trials and Tribulations of Programming The LA Film Fest
(via Film Independent)
Go inside the minds of the people who pick the films.

Mr. DNA: How Hollywood Tinkers With Evolution to Grow New Spielbergs in a Lab
(via Alex Pappademas for Grantland)
Why studios keep falling all over themselves to hand big-budget franchises over to newby filmmakers.

Marlon Brando’s Real Last Tango: The Never-Told Story of His Secret A-List Acting School
(via Benjamin Svetkey The Hollywood Reporter)
In non-shocking news of the week: Marlon Brando was a bonkers-ass acting teacher!

Entertaining The -Isms (via Nick Allen for Balder & Dash)
How and when to take a movie at face “entertainment” value, or dig deeper into its cultural implications on race, gender, and society.


A video worth watching

Jessica Chastain Bryce Dallas Howard be acting:

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?


If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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