Will Produce for Food

There’s an interesting article in the New York Times called Surivival Tips for the Aging Independent Filmmaker (free registration required). It paints a pretty bleak picture of the ability of filmmakers to make a living making movies, with big names in the indie...


The MPAA is now using DVD-sniffing dogs to locate pirated movies in airports. Of course, the dogs can’t tell the difference between legal and pirated DVDs, so it’s probably a good idea to leave your porn at home (along with your hair gel, skin cream,...

What’s in it for Me?

As promised, here are some photographs from the SAG member education panel we did in New York on Tuesday evening. The name of the panel was "What’s in it for Me? Acting in Low Budget Independent Film," and was designed to educate SAG actors about...

Where is FEMA?

I’m the boss, so I don’t have to prove to Darrien that I actually had a flood at my condo. In fact, after she is finished working and gets back from New York, I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to fire her. But while I’m stuck in my place...

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