It’s true. I have been coming to Cannes for five years and until yesterday had never seen a film here. At first it was because I was always too busy, but then I sort of started wearing it as a badge of honor. Of course, I still packed the damn tuxedo every year…

Anyway, I’ve been thinking that I might take a break from Cannes next year (not SAGIndie, just me…), and figured that if I don’t know when I’ll be back I might as well see a film (By the way, Darrien, thanks for busting my friend. His wife won’t care that he went out on a “man date” with me, but she’s going to be super pissed that he went to see X-Men 3 without her. Fortunately, no one reads this blog…). Actually, I saw two…

As DMG reported, I went to see X-Men in the morning. Scott will be happy to know that Brett Ratner did not ruin the franchise. Although by reading the reviews you’d think he did. Look, I’m no Ratner fan, but the media clearly has it out for him. I thought X-Men 3 was the best of the series. I don’t know what the comic book geeks will think (I’m a geek, just not that kind of geek… Antiques Roadshow is my favorite TV show….), but from my point-of-view the films were identical in style and tone.

Since I was already blowing my record for not seeing films I decided to go all the way and attend an evening screening of Nanni Moretti’s “Il Caimano (The Caiman).” I enjoyed the film. It was funny and gave me a good chance to practice my comprehension, but the Italian political satire was mostly lost on me. I did get to wear my tux. Walking down the red carpet alone was just weird. I may have appeared on the jumbotron (although I doubt it… I don’t have breasts), but I was afraid to look.

Our student roundtables continued today, including a “pitch session” with Dana O’Keefe from Cinetic Media. The students practiced their pitches and Dana brutally critiqued them until they cried. I’m just kidding. He was actually very kind and very constructive. Okeefe

Tomorrow I’m moderating a panel with Chloe Sevigny and Jena Malone and everyone in Cannes is talking about SAGIndie Karaoke Night (okay… everyone I know…) on Thursday. There’s even a rumor going around that I will sing.

But that would be the Seventh Sign…

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