From the Water to the Desert

O.K., so I’m engaging in film festival revelry.  I have now consumed more alcohol (I mean, I’ve seen more films) in a week than I would normally do in………..uh, 8 days.  Life is good when it’s full of movies, mudslide...

Earning My Pay

Okay, today was more like it. I squeezed in a little nature time this morning, then went full bore on the Sundance Directors Lab experience. The super friendly folks on the Lab staff took me on a tour of the operation here, which left me duly impressed. The Sundance...

Sundance Without the Snow

Ahh, Sundance… Free Stella Artois, pretty girls slinging Airborne on every corner, and, of course, lots of frozen precip. At least, that’s what Sundance has meant to me, until now. Now, I see that I was a parochial rube, foolishly thinking that the...

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