by SAGindie | Dec 18, 2017 | indieBlog, Miscellany, Spotlight
Hello, friends. What a long, strange trip 2017 turned out to be. There were highs, there were lows, but most importantly there were movies. (For the record, we understand there were more important things in the world than movies, but c’mon, we all know why... by SAGindie | Dec 1, 2017 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
This week saw some big indie film news stories. On Monday, we had the IFP Gotham Awards, kicking off awards season with some indie film love. On Wednesday, Sundance announced their 2018 feature film lineup, kicking into gear the beginning of next year’s indie... by SAGindie | Dec 1, 2017 | indieBlog, Miscellany
2017’s final month of movie releases is upon us. And in order to cram for our staff’s final exam (aka our Top 10 Movies of the Year list, still to come), we’ll be doing our best to check out all the December movies that have piqued our individual... by SAGindie | Nov 3, 2017 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
Now that another Halloween has come and gone, we can all get back to reading about the film industry without the distraction of costumes and candy and parties and fun… These links will still be a good time though, we promise. This Week’s Good Reads... by SAGindie | Nov 1, 2017 | indieBlog, Miscellany
A new slate of November movies will be arriving in theaters (and select streaming services) soon, and like we do at the beginning of every month, the SAGindie staff has some opinions to share. Check out all the movies we think are the must-see options for your...