LAFF 2006: Get Down Proper

One week into the Los Angeles Film Festival (with three days left), and I’m not sure which is funnier: Boys’ & Girls’ Guide to Getting Down, Paul Sapiano’s energetic and saucy how-to film, or the fact that The Eliza Hajek Hate Club has...

LAFF 2006: On Babes in a Cave

As I said on Friday, DMG and I had tickets to see Neil Marshall’s The Descent at the Ford Amphitheater (an excellent venue in it’s own right, but perfect for this screening). This was our second screening at the Los Angeles Film Festival, and a much anticipated...

LAFF 2006: The Devil Wears Old Navy

As this is my first entry here on the indieBlog, I’d like to say that I’m really enjoying the job so far. It’s definitely, like, my sixth or seventh best job ever. How could it not be? All the burnt coffee I want (free!), girl-dates with Darrien (also free!), more...

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