You made it to November! You survived Halloween. You survived Día de los Muertos. You survived All Saints’ Day (and how cray does it get on All Saints’ Day, right?) The dawning of a new November also means a new slate of movies we can’t wait to see. And the first week of the month also provided us with a plethora of good entertainment industry articles, and again the issue of women and diversity in film was another #hottopic this week. See some worthy reads on that issue and more below.


This Week’s Good Reads (Week of November 2, 2015)

100 Women Directors Hollywood Should Be Hiring (via Kyle Buchanan for New York Magazine)
A good, well-researched starting point!

Here’s How the New Crowdfunding Rules Will Change Indie Film Financing (via Mark Litwak for Indiewire)
Kickstarter contributors can now get a cut of profits. To hell with a signed movie poster, we want cash!

Project Greenlight Started A Conversation About Diversity, But Effie Brown Brought The Real Talk
(via Dustin Rowles for Uproxx)
Smart critique about the most-talked-about reality series of the year.

Confessions From Above the Celluloid Ceiling: The Truth About White Male Privilege
(via Matthew Hammett Knott for Women and Hollywood)
Personal insight from the privileged side of things.

The Hard Lessons Catherine Hardwicke Learned From Twilight (via Kate Aurthur for Buzzfeed)
Personal insight from the less-privileged side of things.

6 Sundance Selections For Native American Heritage Month (via Bird Runningwater for Sundance Blog)
Nice list of some Native films to catch.

Megan Ellison on ‘The Gift of the Artist’ (via Medium)
A transcript of the producer’s acceptance speech at the SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Gala.


In case you were ignoring us (aka blatant self-promotion):

Filmmaker Interview: Diane Bell, writer/director of Bleeding Heart
We talked to the filmmaker behind a new feminist thriller starring Jessica Biel.


New Releases

Movies from our November Movie Picks out this week:


A video worth watching

Isolated Female Figures: The Films of Todd Haynes (via Press Play)

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?


If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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