by SAGindie | Dec 16, 2016 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
There’s a lot of noise out there on the internet. Especially in 2016, the year that “fake news” has dominated the headlines (literally), it can be hard to wade through the muck. That’s why every week here on the indieBlog, we do our best to... by SAGindie | Oct 21, 2016 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
Well, last week we prepped for lowering temperatures and this week we were in the middle of a record-breaking heat wave. EVERYTHING IS FINE! Still, no matter the rollercoaster peaks and valleys of our climate, the one thing that always stays steady is a reliable... by SAGindie | Sep 2, 2016 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
This long Labor Day Weekend makes it official: Summer is over. So while you pack away your sunscreen (unless you live in California) and pull out your sweaters (unless you live in California) and close up your swimming pools (unless you… you get the idea), take... by SAGindie | May 13, 2016 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
Happy Friday the 13th! This week saw the kickoff of the 2016 Cannes Film Festival (Darrien and Eliza are holding down the fort tent at The American Pavilion – if you’re there, go say bonjour!). As for the rest of the entertainment industry, everything on... by SAGindie | Apr 29, 2016 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
The biggest news this week in film… and music… culture… feminism… race… and life in general, was BeyoncĂ©’s “Lemonade” taking over your Twitter feed. But we swear there was other stuff being written about too. And we dug...