by SAGindie | Dec 18, 2017 | indieBlog, Miscellany, Spotlight
Hello, friends. What a long, strange trip 2017 turned out to be. There were highs, there were lows, but most importantly there were movies. (For the record, we understand there were more important things in the world than movies, but c’mon, we all know why... by SAGindie | Jul 28, 2017 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
As we head into another weekend, we once again have gathered some must-read material for those interested in films, filmmaking, acting, and the occassional entertainment industry thinkpiece. That’s how we do (on Fridays, specifically). This Week’s... by SAGindie | Jul 3, 2017 | indieBlog, Miscellany
What movies do you plan to see this July? This is a question the SAGindie staff takes very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that we pored over the new releases calendar so we can list each and every movie that has us excited for July. —— Eliza’s Picks: A Ghost...