Blogging from the trade show floor today, spotty wi-fi coverage permitting. Linda Dowell of SAG is now here with us, and we are busy spreading the word about the Low Budget Agreements. At least, Darrien and LInda are – I’ve spent my morning thus far robbing the Mozilla booth of Firefox swag.

This place is geek heaven: in addition to Mozilla, Google, Opera, Creative Commons, and, among others, are in attendance. Second Life is also here, though they’re not as mobbed as I would have thought. I guess everybody is visiting their virtual SXSW booth instead.

Kay Schaber of the WGA has dropped by and Darrien is admiring her engagement ring. Congrats Kay!

Just met one of the local volunteers. His name is Killer, he has a huge chrome “K” dangling from a chain around his neck, and he seemed pretty friendly for a guy with that fearsome appellation. I don’t think Austin will have any problem keeping it weird.

I’m going to walk around a bit more. I’ve got my eye on one of those Google mouse pads.

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