The SAGindie staff is ready to start summer the only way we know how: By planning our movie-viewing schedules! Plot your own viewing habits for the month of June by checking out the June movie release calendar, and let us know what films you’re most excited to see this month!
Turns out one of our staff’s most-anticipated films won’t be coming out in June after all. See you at Christmas, Under the Silver Lake!
Eliza’s Picks:

Three Identical Strangers
American Animals
Ocean’s 8
Sicario: Day of the Soldado
Colin’s Picks:

Upgrade looks like a super dumb-fun action movie, and I’m just hoping they don’t show all the great fight scenes in the trailer. I must admit I am a sucker for the Jackass franchise, which makes me want to see Action Point with no shame. While I didn’t even really like Mr. Rogers as a kid, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? is still definitely going to make me cry. Hereditary will haunt me for my eternity. Eating Animals will depress me about our agriculture system. And I’m also looking forward to
Shefali’s Picks:

Hearts Beat Loud – This one’s for my dad. Who also plays guitar. And also wants to start a band with me.
Hereditary – I’m still having nightmares from the trailer so I can’t wait to not sleep for a month.
American Animals – I have to see if Movie Pass chose wisely.
Hotel Artemis – Brian Tyree Henry has a small part in this which just adds to the fact that the cast of Atlanta are dominating the features this summer! Already saw Deadpool 2 (Zazie Beetz) and Solo (Donald Glover), planning to see Sorry To Bother You (Lakeith Stanfield) in July.
Three Identical Strangers – Didn’t get a chance to see this doc at Sundance, but heard it was intense and a must see!
Nancy – Another “one that got away” at Sundance.
Ocean’s Eight
The Incredibles 2
If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.