In case you missed it, this week we had ourselves a Low-Budget Contract Workshop (no worries, you can join us for next month’s workshop!). Other than that, the most important news of the week is ebola Twin Peaks ISIS that Newsweek did a story about fart jokes. Seriously.

Good Reads for the week of October 6, 2014

The History of the Fart Joke (via Gogo Lidz for Newsweek)
From The Marx Brothers to Blazing Saddles, this journalistic institution goes deep on everyone’s secret giggle-inducer.

10 Filmmaking Lessons From Paul Thomas Anderson (via Jason Bailey for Flavorwire)
Anderson’s next film Inherent Vice apparently employs some fart jokes of its own. Hoorah!

It’s time to stop freaking out about movies we haven’t seen (via Tasha Robinson for The Dissolve)
Let’s not be too quick to judge P.T. Anderson on his fart joke skills until Inherent Vice actually hits theaters, okay?

When Josh and Benny Safdie Met Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne (via Scott Foundas for Variety)
One indie-sibling-filmmaking-duo interviews another indie-sibling-filmmaking-duo.

IFC Films’ Jonathan Sehring on ‘Boyhood’ Oscar Campaign and ‘Crouching Tiger 2’ Backlash (via Tatiana Siegel for The Hollywood Reporter)
He agreed to fund Richard Linklater’s 12-year film shoot, but Abel Ferrara also hates him. Get inside the head of the head of the studio (did that sound right?)

‘Eleanor Rigby’ Director Admits Mistakes, Embraces the ‘Slim Chance’ to Show His Original Movie (via Steve Pond for The Wrap)
One script split into three movies with three separate releases… what could go wrong?

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?


If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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