Could this week have been any more newsier? Sean Penn became BFFs with a wanted drug kingpin. Ricky Gervais set the Golden Globes on fire. David Bowie passed away. Alan Rickman too. Los Angeles got a football team. President Obama gave his final State of the Union address. Oscar nominations were announced. Someone in America became a Powerball billionaire. And the GOP debates are still a thing. Is there possibly be any more news left to read?

Yep! If movie-news is what you crave, we have some of this week’s best, all organized into a handy list below. Don’t say we never did anything for you.


This Week’s Good Reads (Week of January 11, 2016)

Film Independent Spirit Awards Announce 2016 Grant Winners (via Film Independent)
A recap (and video) of last weekend’s Spirit Award nominee brunch.

Can The Revenant and Hateful Eight Use Old Hollywood Tricks To Make Movies Feel New?
(via Anne Helen Petersen for BuzzFeed)
From super-widescreen to nightmare shoots, how these films are pulling out all the stops to gain an audience.

The Mogul Of The Middle (via Tad Friend for The New Yorker)
A deep dive into the creation of STX Entertainment, the anti-blockbuster studio.

Their Next Round (via Rembert Brown for New York Magazine)
What Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan are planning for their follow-up to Creed.

1 Beneficial New Tax Code for Producers (via Jack Smart for Backstage)
Just in time for tax season!


In case you were ignoring us (aka blatant self-promotion):

Our Sundance 2016 Preview
As we prepare to head out to Park City, check out the films that made our must-see lists.


A video worth watching

Yes, Wes Anderson parody videos are a little played-out, but this one was pretty great (via CNN)

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?


If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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