by SAGindie | Oct 28, 2020 | Education, Filmmaker Resources, indieBlog
Panel Details Description: After months of delays, cancellations, and general uncertainty, film productions have begun ramping up again in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. So, how’s it going? SAGindie’s Michael Sládek moderated a panel of film professionals who... by SAGindie | Jun 18, 2020 | Education, Filmmaker Resources, indieBlog
Panel Details Description: As production restrictions are being lifted and safety precaution plans are being formulated, there is still much uncertainty about how the entertainment industry will function in a post-coronavirus world. SAGindie’s Michael Sládek... by SAGindie | May 12, 2020 | Education, Filmmaker Resources, indieBlog
Panel Details Description: Indie film productions are facing unprecedented pressures between the coronavirus pandemic and collapsing economy, diminishing film festivals and distribution pipelines, plus changes to tax incentives and union agreements. What are the... by SAGindie | Feb 8, 2019 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
Temperatures have finally warmed and film industry news is still a-chuggin’. So we’ve collected some of the week’s crucial reads for filmmakers, actors, and cinephiles. Gotta stay savvy. This Week’s Good Reads (Week of February 4, 2019)... by SAGindie | Apr 5, 2018 | Around L.A., Education, Event Coverage, Featured, Filmmaker Resources, indieBlog
SAGindie partnered with SAG-AFTRA and the SAG-AFTRA Foundation for a super informative panel on The Nuts and Bolts of Indie Filmmaking on April 4, 2018, in Los Angeles. If you were unable to join us, we have video of the full panel above and quotes/highlights below....