I’m the boss, so I don’t have to prove to Darrien that I actually had a flood at my condo. In fact, after she is finished working and gets back from New York, I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to fire her.

But while I’m stuck in my place waiting for insurance adjusters, plumbers, and water damage experts I don’t have anything better to do than take digital pictures.

This was the ceiling above my hallway, where it all started. Ceiling The pipe, which doesn’t even lead to my unit, broke and flooded the entire place. They put the plastic over the hole to help incubate the mold that will soon kill me.

The water spread to the living room, bathroom, and the kitchen and bedroom (pictured below) and destroyed the laminate floors.



Fortunately, the only other damage was the keyboard of the very laptop I am using to type this post.

I couldn’t figure out how a flood could cause the “S” key to fall off of my computer… but then Meagan told me that for some reason when our cat, Velvet, gets freaked out (like during floods) she attacks computer keyboards.


Go figure…

It’s not that easy to type without an “S.”

I have photos from the panel we did on Tuesday (taken by former employee Darrien) that I will post when I get back to the office.

In the meantime, I’m very happy that everyone has been blogging (who cares if no one else reads this… it’s all about the art…).

But now what will I threaten to fire them with?

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