Because we love the nerds (movie and otherwise), we know that standing in the long lines at Comic-Con can result in hours and hours of free time. Well, you’re in luck. We have curated quite the reading list to help you pass your time as you wait in line to get your limited-edition-Princess-Leia-Real-Doll autographed by a clearly-uncomfortable Carrie Fisher. So take off your 3-D glasses and peruse this week’s best entertainment industry news, thinkpieces, and blog posts.

Good Reads for the week of July 6, 2015

Facebook Just Introduced a Program to Help Video Creators Make Money from Their Work
(via Robert Hardy for No Film School)
Facebook officially throws its hat into the YouTube/Vimeo New Media Platform ring.

Independence Transcendent: With the iPhone-Shot Tangerine, Sean Baker Makes it Look Easy
(via Kelly Leow for MovieMaker Magazine)
An in-depth look into the DIY making of the Sundance hit.

A Female Producer Explains 4 Ways Women Get a Raw Deal in Hollywood (via Mynette Louie for Vulture)
The Land Ho! producer shares some horror stories from the trenches.

16 Social Media Tips For Indie Filmmakers (via Sundance Institute)

The Dissolve: 2013-2015 (via Matt Zoller Seitz for Chaz’s Blog)
One of the smartest (and prettiest!) movie sites on the internet is no more.

What Paramount’s VOD Deal with AMC Means for Home Viewers (via Jason Bailey for Flavorwire)
Bailey breaks down the new détente between the studio and the theater chain.


New Releases

Movies from our list of July Movie Picks out this week:


A video worth watching

The Wolfpack boys browse the Criterion Collection.

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?


If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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