Somber New Orleans

Apparently, I was fired yesterday.  That’s o.k., I just wish he’d call and tell me BEFORE I get up, get dressed, and COME to work today!  Now I’m just depreciating the value of my clothing by yet another day. Over the weekend, I attended...

The Internets is Super Useful

Some days I’m just so damn happy that Al Gore invented the internet (with an able assist from that noted Alaskan braniac Ted Stevens). Not only can you find many useful things floating around out there in cyberspace – funny cat videos and glittery MySpace...

David Lynch & Tony Orlando

Okay!  I finally have a few minutes to blog here (saving my SAG Indie job by the skin of my teeth – Bales is on a drunken firing rampage as usual I’m sure).  So the first of my two big stories of the week is that I indeed saw David Lynch’s...

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