As Barack Obama begins a historic transition of power as the new commander in chief, I too have begun a transition of power as the new Information Coordinator here at SAGIndie (not near as historic, but I’m sure you can appreciate the attempt at parallelism).

My name is Will and I’m the new Scott.

My predecessor, Scott Garner, has moved on to pursue new and exciting adventures. What little I know about him from our handful of meetings, it’s obvious that the guy is good people and will be greatly missed around the halls of SAGIndie headquarters. As the new Information Coordinator, I’m going to continue Scott’s legacy of successfully getting what we do out to the masses. In addition, there are many things I will work hard to build upon in order to strengthen SAGIndie’s presence in the independent film world.

It’s worth noting that the indieBlog is going to go through a minor revamp – with commentary dedicated to a number of specific topics such as the hell that is the production process, film reviews, music in film, filmmaker and actor interviews, and film festival reports. If this sounds off-putting in the slightest, please relax – it won’t be all serious. There will still be the occasional random blog about something we saw or heard while driving to work or intoxicated at some industry party.

Also, our presence online will be increasing rapidly. If you’re not already a friend of ours on Myspace, add it up. You can also join our new Facebook, Twitter and Friendfeed pages. We hope to get more quality information out to you on a regular basis.

That’s enough for now. Expect more soon.

Happy Thanksgiving,


By the way — I like dive bars, sketch comedy, buffalo wings and Journey. I can do without crowded dance clubs, panda bears, spicy brown mustard and REM. Because I know you care, I’ll be sure to elaborate on many of these truly fascinating aspects of my life in the days and months that follow.

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