by SAGindie | Dec 1, 2017 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
This week saw some big indie film news stories. On Monday, we had the IFP Gotham Awards, kicking off awards season with some indie film love. On Wednesday, Sundance announced their 2018 feature film lineup, kicking into gear the beginning of next year’s indie... by SAGindie | Jul 12, 2017 | Around L.A.
[UPDATE 7/24/17: The workshop has reached capacity and reservations are closed.] SAGindie has partnered with our friends from Seed&Spark to present a workshop for filmmakers interested in crowdfunding. Monday, August 7, 2017 6:30pm – 8:30pm... by SAGindie | Aug 7, 2015 | Filmmaker Resources, Indie News, indieBlog
Here in cynical, liberal Hollywood, everyone is apoplectic that our Patron Saint of Media Jon Stewart has departed The Daily Show and we are trying our best to imagine a world without him (clarification: he is still alive). So for distraction we could, say, re-watch...