An Introduction to the Low Budget Contracts & Incentives
Since July 1, 2005, all of the SAG-AFTRA low budget agreements have been modified to make it even easier for you to use professional actors. These changes came about in part as a result of input and suggestions from filmmakers and actors who have worked with these contracts.
In addition, there are two brand new contracts for shorts and very low budget productions. And for the first time ever you can actually download and review sample contracts before you start the signatory process.
These agreements are available as PDFs. Opening a PDF requires a reader such as Adobe’s FREE Acrobat Reader.
These sample agreements will assist you in familiarizing yourself with the SAG-AFTRA signatory process. The following agreements are samples only. If you still need more information, we encourage you to attend one of our free monthly workshops to help you through the process.
After familiarizing yourself with the available agreements, visit the Low Budget Contract Downloads page for the Preliminary Information Sheet.
All Low Budget Agreements must be shot entirely in the United States.
Additionally, SAG-AFTRA offers a series of incentives to filmmakers utilizing particular low budget agreements. They are as follows:
After familiarizing yourself with the available agreements, visit the Low Budget Contract Downloads page for the Preliminary Information Sheet.
These agreements are available as PDFs. Opening a PDF requires reader such as Adobe’s FREE Acrobat Reader.